Wanna make the next "Toy Story"? "Shrek?" "Happy Feet" or "Kung Fu Panda"?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


One of the reasons that there has been no posts on this blog for some time is that have forgotten how to sign in to it. Frankly, managing multiple blogs on "Bluuger" is the proverbial pain in the arse, posterior, neck, psyche - or whatever part of the anatomy hurts most.

At some point will try to migrate this blog to Wordpress, which has the facility to manage multiple blogs from the one "control panel" - but the technical details are complex, and not yet fully understood.

In the meantime, this is the embryo "new" Address.


Cheers and Best of Season's Greetings to the occasional visitor, and may all the joys for the next series of years arrive with no strings attached .. heh.

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