Wanna make the next "Toy Story"? "Shrek?" "Happy Feet" or "Kung Fu Panda"?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Update 2.

Gaaaaah! Have managed to get two of the three part series onto uTube, but am still battling with the recipe for "best quality".

Part 1 is four minutes long and rendered into .wmv. Somewhere close to 49MB. Quality playback via uTube acceptable. Part 2 .. 5 minutes 19 sec .. was also rendered into .wmv .. and ended up as 130MB??!!. Re-Rendered as .mp4 which cut the file size down to 19MB .. but the playback quality on uTube is crap.

Will figure it all out .. one day ..

In the meantime try here .. which should take you to my efforts so far on youTube.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Just a note to say that haven't really “forgotten” this blog. Have recently moved house, so much of my stuff was in cardboard boxes for a couple of months.

Am gradually getting re-organised; the editing equipment - camera, cables, tapes, etc.- are gradually being restored to functionality.

My first priority, with minimal "spare" time for the past weeks, has been to edit the footage that was taken in 2004 of a journey that I made to Truscott Airbase - a "secret" airbase in the Kimberley region of North-west Australia.

Am getting very close to posting the footage to youTube. Have split it it into three 4-5 minute sections.
Part 1, the trip from Kununurra to the Airbase:
Part 2, the footage of the Base itself and what we saw - the wreckage of at least two aircraft (B24 Liberator A72-160 and Spitfire A58-364) were still visible - and:
Part 3, views of the Kimberley from the aircraft on the trip from Truscott back to Kununurra.