3D Animation
Another reason that have been very quiet on this blog is that have been messing around trying to come to grips with a rather amazing 3D Animation program.
Was initially poking around looking for a free (or cheapish) 3D Animation program to create a simple effect to use in one of my short films (been in production for 6 months or so .. mostly shot, sort of waiting for the animation bit - and NOW, of course, will have to "re-shoot" it HDV .. heh ).
Found a whole heap of "free" ones on the net .. but one of the things that stumped me was that I had not the slightest idea of how they worked. Even the "help" files were sadly lacking in detail, or used words that had never heard of.
Then, stumbled across DAZ 3D. OK, the "starter" program is free .. and I presume it gives some idea of how the program works, but I also decided to "purchase" the Starter Pack which was actually quite cheap. Have, at the moment, spent roughly $AU100.00 just to get something decent to "play" with, but is not really necessary when starting out. They've organised it into a "modular" system - can spend as much as you like, from zero upwards.
HOOO BOY! Welllll. It really is a beautiful system. Took me a while to figure out how it all worked, as there are hundreds of menus for tweaks, twitches and morphs BUT, it seems to have been very thoughtfully put together, and is full of what I would call UNDERSTANDABLE detail, even for a dill-brain like me - and one of the things that I love about it is that the "puppeteer" makes things just so easy. (Well, it's not all that easy, but a bloody sight easier than anything else that have found - AND, it does come with a 300 page, easy to read and understand PDF manual, as well as understandable tutorials on the site.).
Won't put much detail here, just go to the site (click the logo at the top - click "3D Software" at the top then, from the Left-hand list- "DAZ Studio", then "Downloads") - OR "take the tour" and see for yourself.
At some point will write up what have been up to and perhaps a pic and video, but my efforts so far aren't really suitable as a "demo". Not to worry, will keep beavering away at it .. heh.
1 comment:
3D Animation: Just What the Doctor Ordered
2017 saw the value of the international animation market rise to $254 billion. We, however, don't expect it to stop there. This is generally due to the fact that animation has made its presence felt in the area of marketing.
9 s Your Mom Should Have Taught You About 3D Animation
3D animation is traditionally a reserve of the entertainment business. This is simply because animation is phenomenal at fascinating an audience. In the recent past, however, 3D animation is increasingly being used to showcase products.
Does 3D animation beat conventional methods of showcasing products?
Well, Most Surely YES!
This is best illustrated by brands such as Gillette and the beloved Apple. Take a look at the Gillette ads and you'll realize that a simple animation changed a lowly shave into an adventure. This has made the brand very popular among consumers. As its competitors make use of traditional marketing, Gillette infuses some 3D adventure to set itself apart. The quality of the animation is considered reflective of the brand's quality. That is exactly what a great 3D product animation will do for your brand; it will make you stand shoulders above the competition.
The benefits of 3D animation- as a marketing strategy- can be summed up in three primary points:
1. Prototyping Magic: A lot of money goes into designing a prototype to test the market. Now, to be fair, the role played by prototypes makes them worth every penny but, what if we could get the same results without employing expensive prototypes? Well, now you can. 3D product animation models your product in a virtual world and exposes it to the market. This way, you have feedback for your product cheaply.
2. First Impressions Come Once: Let's face it, most products are boring. Think about Gillette adverts without the entertaining 3D aspect. Boring, right?
With 3D product animation, however, a dull product is changed into an adventure of cinematic proportions. The product is viewable across all 360-degrees with special effects added for that extra punch. Use animation to strike a chord with the market of interest.
Apple's iPhone X is a good example of this trend. The marketing campaign was predominantly centered on3D models. The major brands of the world- think Huawei, Microsoft, and Samsung- all use 3D product animations. Now you know why they dominate their respective markets.
3.Money Talks: 3D product animation helps save money. Apart from advertising, the 3D model can also be used to distinguish glitches in an unfinished product. Designers can change the product after analyzing its model without physical prototyping.
Animation also makes it possible to promote the product cost-effectively. With the increasing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D printing, it helps to show that you are familiar with the latest trends.
To sum it up, your product has a lot to gain from 3D technologies. They add mystique, suspense, and glamor to products. The animation process also makes the brand feel contemporary and worthy of a place in the contemporary market. The wrong first impression has been the death of many products.
Don't be a part of the failures. Stir things up. Make your product the hero of an animated advertisement. You do wish to be the next Apple and Huawei, don't you?
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