Wanna make the next "Toy Story"? "Shrek?" "Happy Feet" or "Kung Fu Panda"?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pip Borman Aerobatics

Has taken a while, but have just posted this clip to youTube. Pip Borman aerobatic display in his Edge 540 at Jamestown Airshow October 2006. 4 minutes 5 sec.

Apart from being pleased that I could keep him in frame for the entire length (all one take, except the last bit) this one is a sort of an experiment.

Have been curious about the creation (composition) of "original" electronic music, so spent some time (a lot) finding snippets (can't remember what they are called in the "bizniss") of sounds and electronically created music, and trying to match them with the "action" of a video clip. Magix Movie edit gives me 12 tracks to play with so, with this one, have "created" the backing "music" track from scratch. Am still not really happy with it, as there are some timings that went askew, and probably some beats and keys that don't quite match.

However, it really DID take a long time fiddling, became impatient, and posted it.

Pip Borman aerobatics clip

This one was rendered into .wmv, and ended up at roughly 8.5 MB.

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