Jamestown Airshow (2)
Haven't really had time to write up the whole day, but here are a few pics. They all flew (except the tank :-), which actually got "blown up" several times with some speccy pyrotechnics), but anything actually in the air is on video. Am trying hard to edit stuff (i do have a 'day job') so have only managed a couple of short clips which are now on METACAFE, but probably not available to the public just yet, as they have some sort of "review" system. Will include the links in a further post.

hey davo its me again i think i might have a fair idea who owns that stearman too if your interested.
also curious about if you managed to get any good video of chris's yak 52. dont mean to fill your blog but when you see local aircraft like that i just go nuts. keep up the good work.
Hi wolif, sorry to be so tardy with entries, video and comments on this blog - life gets complicated at times, so some things get put on the back burner. I really should get posterior into gear and post more vid of the aircraft.
I could probably look it up on the CASA site if I could find a pic with the Rego letters, but If you can give me some more info on the Stearman, would be appreciated.
Cheers and thanks.
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